Many people don’t know as much about calisthenics as they do. The short definition for many is that calisthenics exercises are what makes your muscles stronger while your weight acts as the resistance that causes your muscles to work which is how they get stronger. It is no longer a requirement to join a gym or purchase your own weight set and still get the same kind of workout from anywhere you choose.

However, some people still think the effectiveness of a workout you get from calisthenics is not the same quality as one that you would get from a gymnasium. Another mistake people assume about calisthenics is how beneficial this type of exercise could be.

Below, we are going to cover those misconceptions about calisthenics and explain why they are wrong.

1. People Who Know How to Work Out Can’t Benefit From Calisthenics

Many people believe that this kind of exercise will only benefit people who don’t already have a routine in place.

Those people think that calisthenics is just a stepping stone until you get down to a gymnasium and commit to a routine. However, people who have to believe that you will get more benefits from a workout in a gymnasium or weight room of some kind are wrong.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both kinds of workouts. But you should always do calisthenics no matter how experienced you are at working out. You will benefit in your everyday life from calisthenics more because of how often do you move around compared to how often you pick up weights.

2. Calisthenics Won’t Increase How Much You Can Lift

There are many different reasons why people choose to work out. Many people work out so they can be stronger but many people also believe that is one result you will not get from calisthenics. However, for muscles to grow, you have to work out even when your muscles are tired because you will only see a change if you continue to test your limits.

It is recommended that you continue doing reps when you lift weights until you can no longer lift the weight with the correct form. But anything that makes you push your physical limits is good as long as you don’t try to push yourself too far too soon.

3. If You Don’t Feel Sore Then You’re Not Making Any Real Progress

Just because we mentioned pushing yourself to your limit doesn’t mean you have to make yourself sore to make your muscles bigger. However many people think if your muscles feel fine, then you just waste your time during your workout.; That isn’t the case.

There is nothing to support the theory that if you don’t feel sore after a workout then your muscles won’t grow. Remember when your muscles use energy, it burns the fat that you never feel or see. When you do calisthenics then you may do your body as much favor as if you were lifting weights in a gym.

4. Only Small People Do Calisthenics

Remember when you are doing calisthenics then you are working against your body weight. Because of that fact, many people think the only people who do calisthenics are too small to lift weights. This fact is completely wrong. Now a smaller person would have an easier time doing calisthenics but that doesn’t mean a bigger person would be unable to do it.

The calisthenics exercises could help a bigger person lose weight. The bottom line is that even if you think you will have a difficult time doing some of these exercises because you’re big in some way, you should still attempt calisthenics instead of writing it off as too difficult from the beginning.

5. Days Where You Rest Aren’t Required

Anything that forces you to test your limits and give your muscles a workout should not be done without days where you can rest. If you neglect to plan out days that you can rest then you won’t be able to perform at your best. Many people think calisthenics is not as strenuous as lifting weights which is why those people think you don’t need to rest if you only do calisthenics.

If you feel like you are too tired to work out then should you rest from calisthenics as well but nobody knows how your body feels better than you do. If you force yourself to work out when you are already exhausted then not only will there be no point in working out but depending on what you do and how exhausted you are, you could risk injury.

6. Calisthenics Has No Benefits for Your Legs

One true thing is, you will get a better workout on your legs if you are in a gym that has a machine that is designed to work out your legs. Because a gym will give you better results does not mean your legs won’t have any benefits from calisthenics.

Your knee joints will become stronger and you will also expand how far your hips can move but not as much as you would in the gym. There are some exercises in calisthenics where many people have a hard time pulling them off correctly.

7. You’ll Only Increase Your Endurance With Calisthenics

One reason many people think this is because once someone gets into a routine, they don’t increase the difficulty level with harder exercises once they have mastered the easier exercises. If you do the same couple of exercises and just keep striving for more repetitions once the number you usually strive for is too easy then you will end up with more endurance. What you should do is look up harder exercises and try those if you see the current exercises being too easy.

When you try different exercises. you will get more strength. You can go from push-ups to clapping behind your back after every push-up but bring your hands back to the ready position so you don’t fall on your chest. That is how you gain more than endurance through calisthenics.

Many people talk about calisthenics but what most people believe happens to be wrong. Even with your legs, you might get a better workout in a gym but calisthenics can still have benefits for your legs depending on what exercises you are doing.

If you want to find out the truth about calisthenics, the best way to see what is true and what is false is to try them out yourself.

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