Ever since calisthenics was used as a backup plan by fitness enthusiasts when the gyms closed due to the pandemic, some people opted to stick with this style of exercise. The appeal of bodyweight workouts stemmed from how creative it looked compared to the repetitive routine of weightlifting as well as the philosophy behind calisthenics. 

By performing these bodyweight workouts, you are able to develop your body’s core strength, balance, and stability while at the same time improving your muscle size. The common mindset of individuals who are only starting to get into fitness is that in order to get big, they would need to lift weights to develop their muscles. This statement is actually incorrect as it has been proven that you can achieve the same type of development with body workouts alone. 

Muscle growth is achieved when it is put under intense amounts of stress and tension. This process is called hypertrophy. The goal is to exercise for hypertrophy on a consistent basis to be able to lengthen and thicken the muscles in their body.

Aiming For Hypertrophy

Hypertrophy is achieved when you perform the workouts in slow and controlled movements over a substantial amount of reps (10 to 12) in order to fully maximize the stress and tension you put on the muscles.

For a comparison, performing elevated pushups in a controlled manner in the recommended rep range for 4-5 sets twice a week will be able to put as much pressure on your chest, deltoids, and triceps as a bench press would if you were at the gym.

For this 8 minute workout, it is imperative that it targets a variety of muscle groups. Since the workout will only be for a short while, it is also critical that it will be a mix of controlled movements for hypertrophy and explosive movements for cardio and fat burning. 

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

This workout routine can be performed as much as you would like. For optimal results, however, it would be best to perform this workout at least thrice a week.

High to Low Planks (45 seconds + 15 seconds rest)

This exercise is a great opener as it allows your biceps, triceps, and deltoids to warm up for the rest of the routine. Also, it keeps your core engaged to be able to get ready for the variety of ab workouts that will be performed.

Jump Squats (45 seconds + 15 seconds rest)

This exercise aims to jolt the lower body muscles like your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Jump squats are an excellent workout for improving muscle endurance.

Pike Pushups (45 seconds + 15 seconds rest)

This exercise is a great tool for tricep and deltoid hypertrophy. Unlike an ordinary pushup, the pike pushup has you positioned with your lower back arched up in the air forming an upside-down “V”. This pushup variant puts a tremendous amount of pressure on your shoulder and triceps.

Hip Taps (45 seconds + 15 seconds rest)

This exercise helps develop your abdomen to give you defined obliques. And with the right diet involved, it can also remove love handles. Hip taps focus on the sides of your abs rather than the central part.

Side to Side Squats (45 seconds + 15 seconds rest)

This exercise can both target hypertrophy and muscle endurance when done correctly. Aim to go as low as possible on your squats. And when at the bottom, ascend slowly to keep the quads, glutes, and hamstrings engaged all the way through.

Shoulder Taps (45 seconds + 15 seconds rest)

This exercise puts added tension to your deltoids to help with hypertrophy. The key to performing shoulder taps is to keep movements slow and controlled, allowing for more time under tension on your shoulders.

Burpees (45 seconds + 15 seconds rest)

This exercise is essential to developing good cardio and muscular endurance. By executing burpees, you will be able to sweat off those calories even more if your mission is to lose body fat.

High Knees (45 seconds + 15 seconds rest)

This exercise will further develop your cardio and tone your legs at the same time. High Knees will serve as the last workout of the routine and is a good way to shed off those extra pounds.

Reminders in Executing the 8-Minute Calisthenics Workout

This 8-minute exercise routine is by no means set in stone.

As you progress and feel yourself getting stronger, you could always start adding more exercises, more time for each workout, or even lessen the rest time. On the flip side, if you feel as if you are not yet ready to perform these exercises for 45 seconds, feel free to slow it down to your pace. What is important is that you actually complete the workout.

Workouts that you can complete in a few minutes are highly effective as it is able to provide a solid all-around workout routine without having to sacrifice that much time. For individuals who are busy with work and school, this is definitely something they would find useful.

The caveat, however, is that you will not be able to achieve the body you aspire to have by only doing this. You will also need to be diligent with your diet and health. The best thing to do is to ensure you are eating food that has not been altered from its natural state like fresh chicken, beef, fish, and pork. 

Foods that have been heavily altered from their natural state are known to be processed and are very high in fat and cholesterol. It is also highly recommended that you try to incorporate vegetables and carbohydrates in your meals as it will be able to keep your immune system strong and it gives you the energy to fuel your workouts. This lifestyle can also improve your condition as eating healthy normally consists of low-calorie dense meals that will keep you full and satisfied for an extended period of time. 

By eating nutritious meals and performing efficient bodyweight workout routines, you will be ensuring that your mind and body will be in optimal condition to perform any task in your daily life.

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