Obesity has now been identified as one of the most serious public health issues confronting the globe today.

Adult obesity is more widespread than undernutrition around the world. It is a disease that does not receive the attention it deserves, despite the fact that it is on the rise in emerging markets and economies.

It is currently a key role in COVID-19 complications and mortality because it is a doorway to many other non-communicable diseases and mental illnesses.

There is a window of opportunity to ensure better, more resilient, and sustainable health for all. It only starts with the courage to acknowledge your current condition, inspiration as you envision a better version of yourself holistically, and lastly, hope as you are only part of a worldwide movement to fight obesity and prevent malnutrition

Recognizing Obesity

Obesity and overweight are both defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that is harmful to one’s health. A BMI of 25 or above is considered overweight, while a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. Obesity is a medical disease marked by an excess of body fat that can lead to health issues and consequences.

If you’re overweight and want to start living a healthier lifestyle, you may find it difficult to exercise. However, because of the various adjustments available, calisthenics, or bodyweight workouts, are ideal for people of all fitness levels.

BMI is a simple weight-for-height index that is often used to define humans as underweight, overweight, or obese. It serves as a  scale to determine if a person is underweight, healthy, overweight, or obese. Acquainting yourself with facts about obesity and how to manage it is a good first step toward living a healthier life. Recognizing and accepting your condition without any excuses is the pathway to change and transformation for the better. 

The Reality of Obesity

Overweight, a sense of overwhelming tiredness, joint and back pain, struggling with low self-esteem or fluctuating confidence, excessive snoring and increased sweating are all annoying symptoms of obesity. Obesity is one of the top causes of death before the age of 65.

According to research in 2017, it was related to 4.7 million deaths worldwide. The danger brought by obesity is usually underrated and oftentimes neglected however in reality it is associated with poor mental health and reduced quality of life. Obesity is strongly connected to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer not only in the United States but all around the world.

Between 1975 and 2020, the global prevalence of obesity approximately quadrupled. In fact, based on a study, more than 2 billion adults or 39% of the adult global population is overweight by 2020. 

Issues About Obesity

Heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer are all linked to obesity.

These diseases are not impossible to prevent with proper diet and exercise. 

Overall complications brought by obesity:

First Things First: Mindset and Behavior

Get into the appropriate mindset before you begin calisthenics to prevent being discouraged and giving up too soon. But the first thing to remember is that you must begin somewhere, as there is no such thing as the perfect time to do anything. Commit to a weight-loss diet that is specifically tailored to you. If you’ve been overweight for a long time, working out and lifting weights especially at the gym can be intimidating, so first, increase your muscle and fat-burning potential by doing cardio activities. Then,  start small and work your way up till you reach your objective.

When it comes to calisthenics, the most important thing to remember is that you want every transformation to be long-lasting. Bodyweight workouts are one of those exercises that everyone may do without the help of a personal trainer, regardless of fitness level. Start with tiny lifestyle adjustments if you believe your body needs to prepare for the big change.

Regular physical activity and a nutritious diet are examples of healthy activities. Excess weight gain can be avoided by balancing the number of calories taken from foods and liquids with the number of calories used for an activity. These are some basic healthy choices you may make on a daily basis. Instead of taking the elevator, take the steps. If the distance isn’t too great, consider walking instead of driving. Take in the landscape or notice the people around you. Through the windows of your fast-paced world inside your car, you may never see some vital elements in life. You should park your automobile far away from where you wish to go. Finally, opt to eat nutritious foods.

Support Group: Key to Consistency and Success of Weight Loss Plan

Weight loss action plans can help you make a lot of beneficial lifestyle adjustments. As you adapt your lifestyle to better fit your weight reduction approach, the foods you eat, your exercise level, and even the way you think about eating may change.

It is not true, however, to state that these changes will occur smoothly. Change may be unpleasant, and beneficial changes can be just as stressful as bad changes. To keep your weight loss long-term, you’ll need to make significant lifestyle modifications. As you try to incorporate healthy choices and habits into your daily routine, you may need some emotional and physical help.

Weight-loss methods are satisfying, but maintaining your weight requires long-term lifestyle modifications. Participating in support groups on a regular basis is one of the most significant habits you can develop as you progress on your weight loss journey. Support groups will enable you to get other people’s ideas and perspectives about the weight loss issues you are currently battling. Through listening to their ideas and experiences you are able to compare and contrast the strategies they used or went through. In this way, you will have a clearer view of what you are going through and thus you are better prepared.  More importantly, support groups are able to empathize with you, thus you will feel comforted and valued.

Start With Small Steps

Depending on your weight and body composition, the intensity of your calisthenic workouts should vary. Be mindful and aware of your body responses and don’t push yourself too hard when doing calisthenics. This is especially true for high-impact activities like running, which, if your BMI is too high, can cause knee pain.

Fortunately, each workout has modifications and changes that may be adapted to your current fitness level. If you start gently, you may keep yourself motivated by achieving small goals. In this manner, a regular workout is more likely to develop a long-term habit.

If you’re unsure about whether bodyweight exercise is ideal for you or if you have a medical condition, consult your doctor first. If you have trouble executing simple movements, she may send you to a physical therapist to help you gain enough joint and muscle strength to begin exercising.

Progressive calisthenics means gradually raising your workout’s intensity and speed. You can increase the weights in weighted calisthenics to further challenge your muscles. The only way to prevent plateaus if you’re practicing bodyweight calisthenics is to increase the intensity of your workout.

Begin With Simple Exercises

In any training regimen, squats are one of the most efficient exercises for targeting lower body muscles such as quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. They’re also basic enough that even a beginner can perform them. This is a dynamic strength training exercise that requires several upper and lower body muscles to work in unison.

These muscles help with your daily routine which involves walking, climbing stairs, bending, and carrying heavy or light objects, and other necessary physical activities. They also come in handy with sports activities.

Squats can help you improve your exercise performance, lower your risk of injury, and keep you moving more fluidly throughout the day. You can make use of a chair or a stool to aid you in the proper execution of this exercise. Wait patiently until you’re strong enough to accomplish them without any tool or assistance. Beginners who don’t know where to stop squatting and start going back up will benefit from chair or bench squats.

How to Perform a Basic Proper Squat

  • First place your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
  • As you push your hips back into a sitting position, keep your chest up, engage your abs, and shift your weight onto your heels.
  • Lower your hips until your thighs are parallel, or nearly so, to the floor.
  • The squat should be felt in your thighs and glutes.
  • Make sure your knees are behind your toes and your weight is in your heels.
  • Exhale and return to the starting position.

The triceps dip is a fantastic bodyweight workout for increasing arm and shoulder strength. This easy exercise can be done practically any place and comes in a variety of versions to suit your fitness level. Use it as part of a strength-training routine for your upper body.

The best option is to use a stable chair to assist you in stabilizing your body. This exercise can be done in a variety of ways, including dipping as low as you feel comfortable with and going lower as your arms strengthen. Alternatively, instead of keeping your knees straight, you could perform dips with bent knees.

How to Perform a Basic Proper Dips

  1. Sit on the edge of a stable chair, weight bench, or step, and grip the edge near your hips. 
  2. Your fingers should be pointing at your feet while your legs should be extended
  3. Your feet should be about hip-width apart, with the heels touching the ground. 
  4. Do not lower your face. Look straight ahead.

Lift your body with your palms and slide forward just far enough so that your behind clears the edge of the chair.

Reduce your body weight until your elbows are bent between 45 and 90 degrees. Maintain control of the movement throughout its range of motion.

Repeat by slowly pushing yourself back up until your arms are almost straight.

The pelvic tilt is an excellent beginner exercise that can be progressed into a glute bridge once you’ve mastered the technique. Pelvic tilts consist of very subtle spinal movements that strengthen the muscles.

It gently supports the lower back, particularly the abdominal area. They are excellent for those seeking low back pain relief. 

How to Perform a Basic Proper Pelvic Tilt

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. The natural curve of your lumbar spine will lift your lower back slightly off the floor in this neutral position.
  • Exhale and rock your hips gently toward your head. You should feel your lower back pressing into the floor as you do this.
  • Take a few deep breaths here. Inhale and return to your neutral position when you’re ready. Perform 5 to 10 reps.

These three exercises provide an easy start-up in your weight loss plan. Squats strengthen your base, the overall foundation of your body. Dips tone your upper body while the pelvic tilt works out your core.

Perform these physical exercises slowly, gradually increasing their repetitions, then when it’s getting easier and unchallenging on your part as you progress try the harder variations.

Weight loss is not achieved in just a click. It needs determination, consistency, and community for it to be sustained and be more rewarding in the process. 

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